B2B Content Marketing Measurement Tips for 2021 (Statistics & Research)
B2B Content Marketing Measurement Tips for 2021 (Statistics & Research) “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a philosophical thought that can be adapted to B2B content marketing as well. “If I create great B2B content but can’t measure it, did it make an impact?” is the question marketers ask regularly. What is the impact? Am I capturing all the impact? How can I optimize performance? Measuring the impact of content marketing allows B2B marketers to optimize campaigns for better engagement and more effectively attribute ROI. But what are the strategies, tactics, and trends behind measuring content marketing performance for B2B marketers? To help answer these questions on measuring B2B content performance, Ascend2 and KoMarketing Associates fielded the Measuring Content Marketing Performance Survey between February 17 – 25, 2021. 193 B2B marketing professionals participated in the survey. The research looks at what B2B markete...